I have been out of surgery for a while. When I woke up from surgery I was in so much pain but I was also so itchy! Apparently I am allergic to yet another pain medication. Everything was itchy. My face broke out and was the itchiest but the nurse asked someone in the recovery room to stand there and make sure I don't rub my eyes. I know there was good reason for that but I was really annoyed. I got three different medicines to stop itching and that didn't help at all! Even now I am still itchy but some of my skin hurts from being itched so much. My pain also took a while to get to a tolerable level. Now I have been in my hospital room for six hours. My mom is sleeping in my room with me. The is the most amazing mom! She and my dad have always been there. I can't really sleep... Been in and out of it but thought I would update.