Saturday, February 26, 2011

Donating Blood

We had a blood drive at the University on Thursday.  I volunteered for a while at the sign-in table.  Watching people arrive and give some of their time to give blood made me so jealous.  I know so many people that need transfusions that need this blood!  I so wanted to give but in the past when I tried to give blood it wasn't a happy experience.

I went with my parents on Thanksgiving a few years ago to give blood.  I know I am a hard stick because of all the blood draws that I have had.  I told the Red Cross people that I am a hard stick and I need their BEST person.  Alas, they gave me the new girl.  She poked in one arm, missed, and dug around for a bit with no success.  The second poke in my other arm was more productive.  After the poke, missing my vein yet again, and digging around for a while, some blood finally came out!  It was quickly lost though and I left without successfully donating with enormous bruises on both arms.

After this past experience I knew that it would not be easy for my to try again.  I did try though because at least I am trying to give.  The needle guy poked me and got my vein!  My blood started to come out but... it... was... so... slow...  At one time I had about five people around me giving suggestions on how to get my blood moving faster.  The guy that was in charge told me that I would be setting the record for the longest blood donation.  On average, it takes a person about 7 minutes to fill a bag of blood.  After 29 minutes, they finally said to stop.  I didn't even fill the bag!

I suppose that I will have to figure out other ways to help other people since donating blood hasn't yet been successful for me.

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