Sunday, May 6, 2012


Have you ever had to answer a survey or questionnaire that asks what your favorite music is or who your favorite artist is?  I have many times.  I never really answered that question.  I didn't know what to put down.  I could name a few well known popular artists like Michael Jackson or Britney Spears, but I really don't know if I like them as singers or artists.  It felt wrong writing something down that I felt didn't really apply to me.  It felt wrong to pretend that I liked a particular artist or music when I had no clue if I liked their message or not.  This past Thursday and Friday however, I figured out my answer to this question.

Signmark (Marko Vuoriheimo) is a Deaf Finnish man who has a passion for music.  He grew up surrounded by people that told him because he was Deaf he couldn't love music.  He decided to go out and prove them wrong.  Marko is the first Deaf person to sign an international music label.  He writes his own lyrics and signs his music.  He has someone (Brandon) who raps the music with his voice so both Deaf and hearing people can know Signmark's message.

I am part of the Deaf Ambassador program at the University of Minnesota.  We worked to bring Signmark to our campus for about a year and if finally happened.  I got to meet Signmark last Wednesday at the silent shout and then again on Thursday during the University of Minnesota Deaf/Hard of Hearing Day and during the concert later on Thursday night.  We were hoping that we could get 200 people to come to the concert.  Our numbers were WAY off... a whopping 700 people came to the concert!  It was awesome!  After the concert I went to Buffalo Wild Wings with many of the Deaf U of MN ambassadors, interpreters, Signmark, and other Deaf and hard of hearing people.  We all stayed late and chatted about anything and everything.  Our group at the restaurant was so huge!  It's not surprising though considering that this is how Deaf Culture is.

I am so glad that I had this experience.  The Deaf community (my community) extends all over the world.  It is wonderful to know that Signmark is connecting everyone together through music!  Below I uploaded some pictures and video so you can see a small portion of what I got to experience during the concert.

                                                             Marko, Me, and Brandon

                                                                 DJ Wierdness and Me

                                                                 Smells Like Victory

                                                                    Deaf Man's Blues

1 comment:

Jacob "Jay" 's Blog/Events said...

Amazing! You are luck to met him as deaf person. :D I wish I could meet him and it could be somedays,too. :)