Friday, April 17, 2009

The Homestretch

Well the semester is almost done and I cannot wait! Spring is in the air and I am getting anxious to be outside. I have been tempted to skip class but I will use all of the will power I have not to. I will still diligently attend all of my classes even though I wish to be frolicking outside in the weather that is finally warm enough to not need a jacket. Less than a month and I will be free from homework, deadlines, and exams until September. We are now in the homestretch of the semester. The end is in sight.

My pain level is still higher than normal. Normal before surgery was hanging around a 4-5 on a 1-10 scale. Now its a little more intense and of course annoying. I just refilled my Vicodin so I should be set for a while. I am still eating really soft foods however I may have to push myself a bit because Grandma Rierson is here and she is an amazing cook. I don't want to miss her cooking because we don't get to eat her cooking that often. Her food is worth having some pain for.

I have a doctor appointment on the 22nd for my eyes. I am getting Lasik in one eye this May. We are doing one eye at a time because medical things always seem to go wrong and my eyes are pretty important since I cannot hear. I would just live with glasses but they are causing problems with my "special" ear so I have to do something and mom says no to contacts.

1 comment:

Vickie said...

I hope you are closing out the semester in style and that your lasik surgery went well. Good luck with finals.